Centsible Rewards
Unlock exciting perks. This is your all access pass to rewards you will adore! Earn points for different actions, and turn those points into awesome rewards!
Everyone earns 1 point for every dollar spent.
Share and comment on social media!
Facebook Post Share to Facebook Group: 50 points (Each post may only be shared ONCE per FB Group so CHECK BEFORE YOU POST)
Facebook Post Share to Personal page: 25 points
Share to Instagram Story: 25 Points
Comment on Facebook or Instagram Post (up to 15 comments): 20 Points (limit one comment per post)
Facebook and Instagram shares and comments must be screenshot and sent to GCOS via link in the seller portal. Only those submitted via link will receive credit. Points will post to Centsible Reward Account within 24 hours
Order discount. 100 Points = $1 Points can be viewed and redeemed from your Centsible Rewards account in the online store.
Centsible Shopper - Everyone starts HERE!
Super Shopper - 750 Points
Tier Bonus Incentives:
50 Bonus points for reaching 750
Early Access to the 1/2 Price Presale
Early Access to Partner Shifts for next sale
Rewards We ADORE - 1500 Points
Tier Bonus Incentives:
50 Bonus points for reaching 1500
SUPER ACCESS to 1/2 Price Presale
Free Seller Registration for next event
Tiers expire at the end of each calendar year.
Each time you share make sure to let us know! Log your shares using the link in your seller portal or by clicking HERE.